All God's Children

"Perseverance produces character;
and character, hope." (Romans 5:4)

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Learning at Immanuel


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Attendance is very important at Immanuel College.

There are lots of reasons why it is so important, for example:
  • It helps you achieve good GCSE grades and make excellent progress
  • It shows potential employers that you are a reliable young person
  • You are more likely to achieve well and enjoy being at school
  • You can take part in enjoyable activities and rewards.

90% attendance may sound good but that means you have missed at least half a day of school every week, that’s four whole weeks of lessons in one year.

By maintaining good attendance you are more likely to achieve higher grades and earn higher wages in the future.

If you wish to apply for your child to be absent from school, please request a ‘leave of absence form’ from the school attendance office or download below and return it to school at least two weeks before the intended departure.

Absence request form and information

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